About Me

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Photography, Art, Music, Speed Skating, Stress, Migraines, Love, Loss, Friends, Life.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

I'm going to Paris tomorrow!


Yep, I'm off to 'gay Paris' tomorrow with my school!I'm really excited :D

I'm gonna go to the top of the Eiffel tower and our hotel is on the river seine :) awesome right?

Way too excited! See you all in a few days. :)

Geo.x <3

Monday, 27 June 2011

I got an iPod app for blogspot!

Hey :)

At last I got an app for my iPod that supports blogspot :D awesome! This has made my day, I know that must seem weird but yeah, I've finally got the ability to post in mobile format via iPod, yayayay! Hahahahah I must seem very hyper in this post, I am.

It is so freaking hot! Today has been THE hottest day at school that I've ever had, period. It was so insanely hot that just sitting in the shade for 30 seconds was overwhelmingly warm.

Thing is, as Brits we complain all year round about the weather.
'it's too cold'
'it's too wet and grey'
'it's so humid'
'it's snowing! I can't go out!' - The whole country has to come to a stop when it snows more than 3 inches, haha
'it's thundering'
'it's too hot'

- yesterday's barbecue :)

We just cannot get used to British weather, it's constantly changing (oxymoron there!) and it's never the same as the year before. Hmm.

It's so hot right now, I'm lying in my bed feeling like I've been wrapped up in foil and thrown on a barbecue, even with the window open, fan on full whack and cold water on my wrists (thanks Hannah!)

- lilac tree in my garden hehehe :)

A weird post tonight, I realise. But I just thought I'd write a little something since I have this app now :) and I feel like ranting about British weather so I thought 'why not?' and now I'm typing, chuckle.

Geo.x <3

P.S - the app is called BlogSpace and it's free and it's cool :)


Hey :)

You may or may not know this, but I suffer from migraines.
Yeah, I know it's weird because I'm a teenager and young people don't get migraines blah blah blah. But actually, that's not true. 1 in 10 school children get migraines, and 1 in 4 women get them, too. So really, the odds aren't that crazy. Since I am a school kid, and I am a woman - that is such a weird thing to say, hahah.

Yeah so migraines, I only found out 2 weeks ago I think after I had a panic attack because of a headache that I'd had since the morning before.

Migraines are pretty complex, really. They're not always like what they are typically stereotyped as - having to lie down for 3 days in the dark being sick. Nope, that's not necessarily the case.
They're usually one-sided and spread over the face, which is the main problem that my migraines give me, and they can come with an aura - which is where before you get a migraine you can kind of sense it's going to happen. E.g Your hand might tingle, or you might get dizzy or faint, there's loads of signs.
You can also get the migraines without an aura, where you just suddenly get a really bad headache.
 I sometimes get auras, sometimes I don't. I don't really know what triggers my headaches, either. It's complicated.

Another example of an aura, shimmer vision, something I occasionally experience
Yeah, so giving you completely random information there!

Geo.x <3

P.S - I did most of that post on my iPod so if there are any typos I apologise now because I have probably missed them while scanning haha! <3

Sunday, 26 June 2011

10 Things - I Love

Hey :) So I did the same post on my tumblr about a week ago but I've decided to post it onto here, too. It's just a cut and paste of the tumblr one but I'm going to do '10 Things' on here instead so I felt like I needed that post on here :) 

10 Things I Love
Hannah also does this on her blog I think (http://sunsetswillrise.blogspot.com/) so I thought I would do the same since thousands of people seem to be doing it recently and it looks fun :)
1. Photography
I am passionate about photography, even though I’m only 13, I obsess over a beautiful photo. I love film cameras, digital, the lot. I use a Nikon D500 dSLR, it’s not the best, but it’s perfect for me at the moment. I take it everywhere and just constantly take photos. <3
2. Tsubasa Masuwaka
One of my favorite models, amazing hair and on terms of fashion choices shes just as awesome <3
<3 <3 <3
3. Sunets
They are so beautiful and my friend Hannah made me realise how fantastic they were truly. I took a gorgeous shot of a sunset in another friends field behind her house. This is it:
4. LOOKBOOK.nu <3
It is so inspirational fashion-wise and phoo-wise, I could spend hours just browsing through peoples looks, here is a favorite of mine:
5. Short-track Speed Skating <3
This is the sport I spend most of my life doing, it’s amazingly fast, adrenaline filled and just awesome!
I took those three shots at the ISU World Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2011 in March <3
6. Music
I listen to music constantly.
Some of my favorite bands/artists are:
- Two Door Cinema Club
- Mindy Gledhill
- The Cribs
- The Wombats
- Regina Spektor
- Kate Nash
- Lily Allen
- Jason Mraz
- Adele
- Nicki Minaj
- M.I.A
- Darwin Deez
- Noah And The Whale
- Jack Johnson
And about 64786231785675823163891 more :L
7. Wearing loads of bracelets.
I usuaully don’t wear any less than 6 or 7 bracelets, I juat like having all the colour and variety on my wrist :) I only wear bracelets on my left wrist though, I’m not sure why really but it just feels wrong when I have them on my right wrist, hehe.
That just looks so cool :3
8. Nail Varnish
I love nail varnish, I have about 42 different colours and brands and I just love experimenting with the colours when I’m not at school :) Once again, I love the colour just being there on me :3
9. Rainbows <3
They are just so lovely :)
After the storm comes the rainbow.
Finally, 10. British Landscapes
I thought about this one quite a bit, British Landscapes are often so underrated and are usually not talked about like the beauty that they are. It may seem impossible to capture a fantastic British Landscape shot, but you can easily take the most captivating photos. We write the British Landscape off by saying that the weather is too overcast and well, British. But that is something that you can make a beautiful thing. Bleak, dull days overcast with clouds can create amazing sillhouettes and when the sun is peeking past all the cloud the rays beam out everywhere, like a fantasy.
Here are some examples of the British Landcsape at its best:
That’s it, 10 Things - I Love this week :) 
Geo.x <3

Friday, 24 June 2011

HEY! I deleted all my posts...

Hey :)

So, since I hadn't posted on here for over 3 months, I decided to delete all of my posts, see I made a new blog on Tumblr instead because I liked the layout, but I missed blogspot, too. So I'm starting a freash slate and I'm going to make an effort to post on both blogs :)

My tumblr blog is: http://georgiaslifeblog.tumblr.com/ check it out, follow etc. :)

I'm definitely going to try and post at least once or twice a week <3

I love you guys <3
