Hey :)
At last I got an app for my iPod that supports blogspot :D awesome! This has made my day, I know that must seem weird but yeah, I've finally got the ability to post in mobile format via iPod, yayayay! Hahahahah I must seem very hyper in this post, I am.
It is so freaking hot! Today has been THE hottest day at school that I've ever had, period. It was so insanely hot that just sitting in the shade for 30 seconds was overwhelmingly warm.
Thing is, as Brits we complain all year round about the weather.
'it's too cold'
'it's too wet and grey'
'it's so humid'
'it's snowing! I can't go out!' - The whole country has to come to a stop when it snows more than 3 inches, haha
'it's thundering'
'it's too hot'
- yesterday's barbecue :)
We just cannot get used to British weather, it's constantly changing (oxymoron there!) and it's never the same as the year before. Hmm.
It's so hot right now, I'm lying in my bed feeling like I've been wrapped up in foil and thrown on a barbecue, even with the window open, fan on full whack and cold water on my wrists (thanks Hannah!)
- lilac tree in my garden hehehe :)
A weird post tonight, I realise. But I just thought I'd write a little something since I have this app now :) and I feel like ranting about British weather so I thought 'why not?' and now I'm typing, chuckle.
Geo.x <3
P.S - the app is called BlogSpace and it's free and it's cool :)
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