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Monday, 27 June 2011


Hey :)

You may or may not know this, but I suffer from migraines.
Yeah, I know it's weird because I'm a teenager and young people don't get migraines blah blah blah. But actually, that's not true. 1 in 10 school children get migraines, and 1 in 4 women get them, too. So really, the odds aren't that crazy. Since I am a school kid, and I am a woman - that is such a weird thing to say, hahah.

Yeah so migraines, I only found out 2 weeks ago I think after I had a panic attack because of a headache that I'd had since the morning before.

Migraines are pretty complex, really. They're not always like what they are typically stereotyped as - having to lie down for 3 days in the dark being sick. Nope, that's not necessarily the case.
They're usually one-sided and spread over the face, which is the main problem that my migraines give me, and they can come with an aura - which is where before you get a migraine you can kind of sense it's going to happen. E.g Your hand might tingle, or you might get dizzy or faint, there's loads of signs.
You can also get the migraines without an aura, where you just suddenly get a really bad headache.
 I sometimes get auras, sometimes I don't. I don't really know what triggers my headaches, either. It's complicated.

Another example of an aura, shimmer vision, something I occasionally experience
Yeah, so giving you completely random information there!

Geo.x <3

P.S - I did most of that post on my iPod so if there are any typos I apologise now because I have probably missed them while scanning haha! <3

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